


Motionhouse was founded in 1988 by Kevin Finnan and Louise Richards. Our company has since become one of the leading dance theatre companies in the UK making our work locally, touring our work globally.

We create startling, passionate dance theatre. Our productions are designed to challenge as…


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Motionhouse was founded in 1988 by Kevin Finnan and Louise Richards. Our company has since become one of the leading dance theatre companies in the UK making our work locally, touring our work globally.

We create startling, passionate dance theatre. Our productions are designed to challenge as well as delight our audiences and they fuse images with action and dynamism. Our performances are rooted in dance but draw on theatre, circus, acrobatics and film to create work that makes you think and feel.

We tour our productions to theatres and festivals throughout the world. We've developed a reputation over the years for ambitious experimentation and our productions, in which setting, action and context collide, have become world-renowned. A wide ranging education and participatory programme runs parallel to our touring performance work.

But it's our audiences that are at the heart of everything we do and we pride ourselves on producing shows of outstanding quality that are accessible and enjoyable for all.

Artistic Director Kevin Finnan was Choreographer and Movement Director for the London 2012 Paralympic Games Opening Ceremony, and subsequently received an MBE for his services to dance. In 2014 he was awarded an honorary doctorate from the Univeristy of Warwick, making him a Dr of Letters.



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